by Jayne Richards -
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Covid Regulations: Classes and Projects


For everyone’s safety, please:

 •      Only come to campus when you need to

•      Wear a mask at all times when in shared indoor spaces such as corridors,  catering areas, toilets

•      Follow specific risk assessments for the class or activity you are doing

•      Keep 2m apart where possible

•      Wash your hands regularly

•      Maximise ventilation

There is a lot of information in this document – please take your time to read  through it carefully so we can all stay safe and carry on with our work. 

This document sets out the rules that apply College-wide, and those that are specific to each School:

Your programme may also have specific control measures for certain modules and activities. The Production Handbook has also been updated to include COVID control measures covering production work.

Collegewide Regulations

Attendance on campus: Only come on to campus if you have a specific reason: classes, rehearsals, accessing resources.

External venues: We are always in contact with each of our external venues to ensure we share our own risk assessments and that we are adhering to each venue risk assessments and strategies around Covid.

Studio, laboratory and workshop use: The layout of each working space on campus has been reviewed and in some cases changes made to maximise the working distance between people. Floors in many rooms are still marked with grids to indicate the 2m distance, to help with social distancing where possible.

Outdoors: Some production rehearsals will take place outdoors weather permitting which greatly reduces the risk of contraction the virus.

Ensuring adequate ventilation: Adequate ventilation is an important way to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread. Windows and doors should remain open where possible. All mechanical ventilation systems have been set to use fresh air only, and not to recirculate air. Where appropriate, air flow rates have been increased.

Face coverings (masks): staff and students are required to wear an appropriate mouth/nose covering whilst in shared indoor spaces such as corridors, catering areas, toilets. You will be expected to have your own face coverings. If you are exempt from wearing a face covering, please take evidence to reception who will provide a coloured lanyard to identify you.

Technical rehearsals and working in theatres: a risk assessment will be taken for all activities in theatres and studios.

Personal hygiene: It is imperative these standards remain high, particularly as social restrictions begin to ease. 

Temperature checks: As you come on to campus your temperature is checked in reception. Please come through one at a time to allow the check to take place, and hold hot drinks at waist level so as not to trigger the sensor incorrectly.


Social Distancing

The highest risk to individuals remains the time spent in social groups and travel. 

 In order to maximise the effectiveness of the infection control methods implemented within our working environments, it is imperative that all staff and students remain vigilant, not only whilst at work but also away from the workplace.

School of Performance

 Rehearsals and classes

 •      Please limit the things you carry to college so there is not a lot of personal items gathering at the side of studios. Please take all of your personal items with you when you leave the space. 

 •      Face coverings are advised in the rehearsal room unless you are rehearsing your scene or a speech or activity.  

 •      Everyone must wear a face covering when putting your props away or have any reason to go to props or costume areas on campus.

 •      Limit the group size as specified for each room including staff members and technical/design students.

 •      Operating a call or booking system where possible to limit the numbers of persons in the space at any one time.

 •      Increase ventilation in rooms through windows or doors being open when possible.

 •      Minimise the number of people working in the studio.

 •      Avoid sharing of personal items such as chargers, pens, phones and owners take responsibility for regular cleaning.

 •      Avoid sharing of scripts and place labels on equipment and props to identify the designated user.

 •      Students are asked to ensure increased hygiene so carry wipes to clean your personal props at the start, end and during the day.

 •      Wash your hands regularly and ensure respiratory hygiene with a face covering.


School of Design, Management and Technical Arts


Practical classes and projects

The precautions required for different activities will vary, and will be based on method statements. Students will be briefed by tutors and technical instructors, to ensure safe working.

See the additional method statement that are relevant to your programme and activity.

The following guidance will apply in most cases:

 •      Avoid sharing of personal items such as chargers, pens, phones. Owners must take responsibility for regular cleaning.

 •      Avoid sharing earpieces, headphones and other equipment that makes direct contact with the body.

 •      If any equipment has to be shared, regularly disinfect it. It must be cleaned between use.

 •      Carry wipes to clean your personal items at the start, end and during the day.

 •      Wash your hands regularly and ensure respiratory hygiene with a face covering.

 If physical contact is essential

 •      Further increase the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning

 •      Keeping the activity time involved as short as possible  

 •      Use back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible

 •      Avoid skin to skin contact with others

 •      Use PPE in accordance with the method statements.


Production Rehearsals

 See the Productions Handbook for full details.

 •      Observe increased social distancing when possible between each member of the rehearsal room including actors and directors. 

 •      Limit the group size as specified for each room including staff members and technical/design students.

 •      Operating a call or booking system where possible to limit the numbers of persons in the space at any one time.

 •      Increase ventilation in rooms through windows or doors being open when possible.

 •      Avoid sharing of personal items such as chargers, pens, phones and owners take responsibility for regular cleaning.

 •      Avoid sharing of scripts and place labels on equipment and props to identify the designated user.

 •      Creating pick up /drop off points with cleaning where possible rather than passing equipment hand to hand.

 •      If any equipment has to be shared, regularly disinfect it (including props, chairs) and always between users.

Version 2

•      Where relevant, additional references made to staff as well as students.

•      Added a regulation regarding desk-based staff and the wearing of face coverings.

•      Added a note regarding the regular cleaning of door handles and other touch points.

•      Additional detail added to the section on face coverings.

 Version 3 

 •      Updated in line with the revised master risk assessment.