Research into Learning and Teaching in the Performing Arts at Rose Bruford College:

2018 Embedding Employability Into the Curriculum. The Employability Research Group. Kathy Dacre, Andrew Scanlan, Anthony Summat, Alec Brand, David Matthews, Jayne Richards, Mark Simpson, Thomas Wilson, Rob Sayer, Maureen Tibby

2017 Mahamdallie, H. Diversifying the Curriculum: An Arts-Led Approach. The Creative Case for Diversity. Rose Bruford College

2017 Kleiman, P. Beyond Teaching Excellence. SCUDD/Namhe/DanceHE Conference. University of Huddersfield

2017 Kleiman, P. Radical Re-Alignments

2016 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. Using Learning Technologies to Extend Personalised Situated Learning Opportunities to Part-Time, Online Distance-Learners. Association of Learning Technologists Annual Conference: Connect, Collaborate and Create. University of Warwick

2016 Whitfield, P. A Facilitation of Dyslexia through a Remediation of Shakespeare’s Text in Research in Drama Education in Chatzichristodoulon, M. and Crossley, M. The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. Routledge

2016 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. How can Decentralising Teaching Materials in Moodle Amplify the Tutor Voice and Enhance Student Engagement? Practical Experiences from and Online Theatre Studies Programme at a Small Specialist HE Institution. MoodleMoot, London

2016 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. Improving Retention Through Structured Learning. e-Learning Meet. Roehampton University

2016 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. From AML to DL, from PT to FT, from DL to OL from OL to ML… Gaps are Good: Embracing Singularity and Authenticity in Designing and Delivering Courses for Part-Time, Online, Distance Learners. Academic Practice and Technology Conference. University of Greenwich, London

2016 Harrison, J. Actor-Musicianship. London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama

2015 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. Pushing the Boundaries of Actual and Virtual Communities of Practice? Association of Learning Technologists Annual Conference. University of Manchester

2015 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. e-Presence, e-Practice, e-Performance: Using Video Conferencing Software to Deliver Practical Activities in an Online Theatre Studies Programme. Higher Education Academy Annual Conference. University of Birmingham

2015 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. Mahara for Practical Teaching and Learning in an Online Theatre Studies Programme. Maharahui. Southampton Solent University

2015 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. Pushing the Boundaries of Virtual and Actual Communities of Practice? Association for Learning Technology Conference

2015 Schopf, FJ. (ed.) Music on Stage. Cambridge Scholars Publishing

2015 Embedding employability into the curriculum. HEA Funded Research Project. Project Leader: Mark Simpson. Research Team: Kathy Dacre, Andrew Scanlan, Mark Simpson, Anthony Summat, Alec Brand, David Matthews, Jayne Richards, Thomas Wilson, Rob Sayer, Maureen Tibby

2015 RBC ERG report for HEA. HEA Funded Research Project.Project leader: Mark Simpson. Research Team: Alec Brand, Kathy Dacre, David Matthews, Jayne Richards, Anthony Sammut, Rob Sayer, Andrew Scanlan, Thomas Wilson

2015 Bryan, C. Enhancing Student Learning in Lea, J. Enhancing Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: Engaging with the Dimensions of Practice. Open University Press

2014 Matthews, D. and Richards, J. ‘We Don’t Call it “Distance” Anymore…’ Enhancing the Learner Experience and Assessment Opportunities within an Online Theatre Studies Programme using Synchronous, Interactive Technologies. Goldsmiths University

2014 Fryer, P. Stanislavski on Stage. Lecture delivered at DAMU, Prague; UEL, London; VSMU, Bratislava

2014 Hunt, N. Opera, Art, and Industrial Production. Opera in the Media Age: Essays on Art, Technology and Popular Culture Fryer, P. (ed.) McFarland

2013 Palmer, S. (ed.) The Virtuosity of the Lighting Artist: Designer or Performer? Light – a Reader in Theatre Practice Palgrave Macmillan

2013 Hunt, N. Playability: A Reinvention of Contemporary Lighting Practice Drawing on Fred Bentham’s 1930s Light Console. Revaluing Theatrical Heritage Conference, Schouwburg Kortrijk, Belgium

2013 Hunt, N. Performing Interventions: A Methodology for Reinventing the Role of the Theatre Lighting Artist through Practice-Research. Sixth International Conference of Doctoral Studies of Theatre Schools. Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Brno, Czech Republic

2012 Bryan, C. Preparing for a Portfolio Career in Performing Arts. Higher Education Academy

2012 Dacre,K & Jones, N. Designing a Festival Curriculum : Allowing students to plot their learning outcomes across a horizontal curriculum in the performing arts. HEA Arts & Humanities Conference. Glasgow

2011 Hunt, N. Lighting on the Hyberbolic Plane. International Journal of Performance Arts and Digital Media, Vol. 7, Issue 2

2011 Simpson, M. Teaching the Tech

2011 Dacre,K. Large Learning and Teaching Developments in a Small Specialist College. HEA Subscribers Conference. London.

2009 Dacre, K. Into the Scene and its impact on inclusive performance training. Research in Drama Education Vol.14 No 1

2009 Into the Scene. Arts Council England Research & Report. The DVD for use with the Graeae Guide to Inclusive Teaching Practice in Theatre was filmed and directed at Rose Bruford College with college staff and students and company members from GRAEAE theatre company.

2008-10 Teaching Stanislavski Research project considering the place of Stanislavski’s work in post 16 and Higher Education Performing Arts curricula in the UK with reference to specific European Institutions. Palatine & SCUDD funded. Published by HEA. Research Team: Kathy Dacre, Paul Fryer, Colin Ellwood, Thomasina Unsworth, Jane Boston, Philip Weaver, Anthony Dalnas, Bev Vincent.

2007 Dacre, K. How Working with a Company of Actors with Physical and or Sensory Impairments Has Changed a College Curriculum LATHE Issue 3

2006 Bryan, C. & Cleg, K. (eds.) Innovative Assessment in Higher Education. Routledge, Taylor and Francis

2006 The Assessment of Reflective Practice in the Rehearsal Room HEA Funded research project. Research team: Kathy Dacre, Chris Baldwin, Nesta Jones.

2004 Bryan, C. Assessing the Creative Work of Groups. Collaborative Creativity, Miell, D. and Littleton, K. (eds.) Free Association Books

2004 Assessing Assessment in the Performing Arts Curriculum. Palatine funded research project. Research Team: Kathy Dacre, Paul Fryer, Jeremy Harrison, Steve Dykes.

2003 Leading Practice in the Performing Arts. Southern UK Dissemination Conference on FDLT projects held at Rose Bruford College . Included projects on Group Assessment & Reflective Practice in the Performing Arts.

2002 Producing Assessment Palatine Conference Day at Rose Bruford College Representatives from 15 institutions which use performance based assessment attended . Chair: Paul Kleiman.

Last modified: Saturday, 22 August 2020, 11:44 AM