Rose Bruford College has a strong and growing tradition of pedagogic research and since 2000 has been involved in a funded research project in an aspect of pedagogy each year. Consequently staff have been able through research and through a lively programme of staff development events and research symposiums to consider developments in learning and teaching and to enhance their practice accordingly.
This has led to a College wide interest in designing and teaching a curriculum that exemplifies best practice in learning and teaching in the performing arts, that uses and responds to current industry practice and that engages students in the curriculum design process.
Students in higher education deserve the best possible educational provision. This should be comprised of outstanding teaching, backed by sound research, and be delivered flexibly enough to meet the needs of every student
Professor Craig Mahoney. CEO Higher Education Academy 2012
Teachers at Rose Bruford College are expert in either practice based or on line learning. Their research into learning and teaching has affirmed the idea of the College as a critical community of reflective practitioners. This College culture of reflective practice was commended as long ago as 2003 by the Quality Assurance Agency and is at the forefront of our teaching.
“students now talk and think about reflective practice as a matter of course”…. HEA Report 2012.
The aim of this centre is to widen our critical community of reflective practitioners by sharing our research into learning and teaching with colleagues teaching across the performing arts in higher education in the UK and beyond.
One thing about teachers in the performing arts, whether in acting, scenic design or stage management is that they are all passionate about the art form and about training outstanding practitioners who will create great theatre. Because of that they want to teach in the best way possible….creating a learning environment for students that will make them the best practising artists Professor Kathy Dacre. Higher Education Academy Report 2012 |