Enrolment options

ET401 European Plays in Performance 1

This module focuses on the interpretation and realisation in performance of a European dramatic text and the development of a performance vocabulary for making theatre. You will explore a systematic methodology for testing different processes of creating performances through a blend of play study and intensive practical work.

A selection of contrasting plays will be studied and different methodologies on approaching the text will be explored in practical classes in order to encourage comparative analysis. Playwrights to be considered may include Chekhov, Ibsen, Buchner and Wedekind. Alongside specified titles, you will be required to read a variety of other plays and texts that shape an understanding of modern dramaturgy.

The module comprises a series of practical exercises and seminars and will include presentations of practical work in front of your peers.

In parallel with the work on the text, you will be engaging with performance preparation sessions on voice, to raise your understanding and awareness of the voice as an important tool in performance.

Self enrolment (Student)
Self enrolment (Student)