Personal Deveopment Planning at Rose Bruford
As a Rose Bruford student you will be involved in Personal Development Planning (PDP). A key aim of this is to help you to make best use of your time at College to become the professional practitioner that you want to be. You will be guided to reflect on your progress and to plan for your future professional development both at College and outside. In particular PDP will help you to:
identify your possible career paths, and future professional roles
identify the skills, knowledge, experience and contacts that you will need to achieve your ambitions
make best use of your Programme and your time at College
By following each of the topics in the resource and completing the tasks for eack topic you will create a personal development plan that will see you through your three years at Rose Bruford and into you career. The resource is primarily aimed at Level 1 students at the moment, but Level 2 and 3 students will also find many of the tasks helpful in thinging about and planning for their future careers.
This is a resource in development. It is recommended that you return here regularly to check on updates as new tools and links are added.