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Rose Bruford VLE
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Rose Bruford VLE
Study Area 3
Using Technology to Support Students on an International Placement
Last modified: Monday, 12 November 2012, 12:50 PM
◄ Structuring Group Work to Build Confidence
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Gross Davis, B. (1993). Preparing to teach the large lecture course. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from Tools for Teaching at the University of California.
Higher Education Academy (2010). Transforming higher education through technology enhanced learning. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from HEA.
Mincham, Julian. MUSIC for teachers of drama and movement. (See also the accompanying video clip in Visual Resources Room).
Morris, Erica et al. (2010). Supporting academic integrity: approaches and resources for higher education. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from HEA / JISC Academic Integrity Service.
Parkin, Sara et al. (2004). Learning and skills for sustainable development: developing a sustainability literate society. Forum for the Future.
Petty, G. How to be better at … Creativity [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from Greenfields.u-net
QAA (2006). Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education – Section 7: Programme design, approval, monitoring and review [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from QAA.
QAA (2007). Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education – Section 9: Work-based and placement learning. 2nd ed. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from QAA.
Rifkin, Frances The ethics of participatory theatre in higher education: a framework for learning and teaching. [Online] retreived 5 August 2011 from HEA.
Smith, M. K. (1997, 2002). Paulo Freire and informal education from The encyclopaedia of informal education. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from InfEd.
Trowler, P. and V. Trowler (2010). Research and evidence base for student engagement. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from HEA.
Trowler, P. (2005) A sociology of teaching, learning and enhancement: improving practices in higher education. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from UAB Digital Respository of Documents.
Further Reading
Redesigning a Learning Activity to Meet Contemporary Student Needs
Designing a Student Symposium
Interdisciplinary Teaching in the Performing Arts
Assisting Students to Work Independently and Collaboratively in the Creative and Performing Arts
Barnett, R. (2010). Imagining the curriculum. Center for Teaching and Learning, Universitat Wien [Online] retreievd 11 August 2011 from CTLcasts / YouTube.
Group Piano as Collaborative Learning
Robinson, K. (2006). Do schools kill creativity? TED Conference, Monterey, California [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from
Structuring Group Work to Build Confidence
Using Technology for Health and Safety
Lesson Plan Exempler
Course Design Exempler (3)
Curriculum Design Guide
Case studies from Assessing Group Practice
Frank Zappa and Interdisciplinary Teaching
Enquiry-based Learning Planner Template
eLearning for Drama: Enacting metalearning
Creating an MA in Song Writing
Application of Laban Movement Analysis
TASK Using Bach for Teaching Interdisciplinary Research & Performance
Link to Bach Cantata site & RPs
Utilizing the VLE for Students on an International Placement
Reflection Room 1
Reflection Room 2
Establish a question-asking culture John Cowan audio clip
Design and Planning of Learning Activities using Learning Outcomes: Presentation & Reflection Prompts
Alverno’s Outcome-based curriculum & RPs
Using Technology for Health and Safety ►