If you are reading this, it is likely that you already have the hardware and software required to study on the programme!

  • You will require access to a computer, an internet connection (broadband) and a webcam and mic.

  • You will also need to open, edit and create files compatible with Microsoft Office. If you do not have a copy of Microsoft Office, you should download Open Office

    • Guidance for Mac-users and other aspects of technical support are available on the VLE.

  • Moodle User System Requirements are distributed with the initial programme information pack and students will be alerted to subsequent updates.

  • Please note that the College will provide support on the use of the VLE, College webmail and other in-house platforms; but this support does not extend to third-party software or devices, e.g. the student’s own computer.



Last modified: Thursday, 7 May 2015, 10:52 AM