This screen cast will give you a tour of the current version of Mahara. Please note that we will be updating to a new version over the summer. While the screencast will provide you with some idea of what is needed there will be minor changes.
IMPORTANT! Please note that there is some confusion over the word "journal" which is a tool within Mahara. Some programmes at RBC use this tool to create blogs which is why it is explained in the screencase. However, within the Theatre Studies programme specifically, it is also the word we use to describe projects that you will do for some modules. However, we do not want you to use the journal tool to create your journal projects. Instead you will create a new Mahara page which has greater functionality. This will be made clear in the new module.
This section introduces you to your study materials and the range of ways you will actively engage as an Online Learning student. You will also find bibliographies for the first six modules at Level 4, to allow you to begin sourcing your wider reading. (If your module bibliographies are not included here, please contact the Programme Administrator).
Below you will find an e-tutorial on study skills relating to the programme. This e-tutorial encourages the development of positive working strategies. Take time to view this carefully, reviewing and pausing the videos where necessary.
What resources are available?
The primary role of the Learning Resources Centre (LRC) where Online Learning students are concerned is to enable you to become independent learners. Staff at the LRC are available to offer help and guidance, so please do not hesitate to make contact.
If you live within travelling distance, you are welcome to use all the resources of the LRC, both for reference purposes and for borrowing. Details of applying for a student/LRC card are sent to you when you enrol for your course.
Below are some links to websites which you may find useful when sourcing your reading materials for the course. Please note that new and second-hand books and DVDs can be purchased from the retailers below at reasonable prices. Remember that you can also use the forums in the VLE (both course forums and general forums) to lend, exchange, buy and sell books and other resources.
There are two formal assessment points in the year, alongside continuous coursework, and each unit provides opportunity for a range of informal self-assessment with tutor responses. These documents provide further details on assignments and are accompanied by examples of student work and the type of feedback that you can expect.
Studying at degree level is demanding and whilst we will make every effort to encourage and support you in your learning, it is also important that you approach your studies in a positive, committed and self-motivating fashion. The units above have described what the College will provide to you - but in joining the programme, you must also accept certain responsibilities towards the College. Below is some information on general 'housekeeping.'
Importantly, to study on the programme you are required to comply with your College Learning Contracts.