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Study Area 2
Hagen, U. (2001) Uta Hagen’s acting class [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
Hagen, U. (2001) Uta Hagen’s acting class [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
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Hagen, U. (2001) Uta Hagen’s acting class [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
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◄ David’s chords: teaching jazz piano [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
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Dacre, K. et al. (2010). Teaching Stanislavski: a report from Rose Bruford College initiated by SCUDD in conjunction with PALATINE. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from Higher Education Academy Resources Centre.
Ginsborg, J. and R. Wistreich (2010). Promoting excellence in small group music performance: teaching, learning and assessment. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy Resources Centre.
Komitee, S. A student’s guide to performance studies. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from University of Harvard iSites.
Laycock, M. (2009). Developing critical learning communities: a practical guide (and musical interlude!)
Lee, Anne M., M. Pettigrove and M. P. Fuller (2010). Preparing to teach in higher education. UK Council for Graduate Education [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from University of Leicester Graduate School – Publicaitons.
Petty, G. How to be better at … Creativity [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from Greenfields.u-net.
QAA (2007). Subject benchmark statement: Dance, Drama and Performance. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from QAA.
QAA (2008). Subject benchmark: Art and Design. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from QAA
QAA (2008). Subject benchmark statement: Music. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from QAA.
Qualman, C., R. Hornbuckle & T. Sutton (2010). A-Z of sustainable materials: activating learning in sustainable design: using a hands-on materials workshop to engage students. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from the HEA: ADM.
Wenger,E. (2006). Communities of practice: a brief introduction. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from
Further Reading
Approaches to Actor Training
Blues/jazz piano lesson: jazz chord voicings [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
Blues piano lesson: the blues scale (beginners) [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from youTube.
Bruner, J. Squeakers: mentors and advisors. Interviewed by Alan Kay. [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
David’s chords: teaching jazz piano [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
Kanaki, E. Elena Kanaki stage movement class [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
Lynch, D. Consciousness creativity & the brain. College of Arts and Sciences, University of Washington and University of Washington Alumni Association [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from
MUSE 010 (2010). Interview with Anton Lachky, Dresden, Germany. [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from DanceTechTV / YouTube.
Teaching Stanislavski in Europe
Teaching Stanislavski
Teaching in Higher Education
Choices in Pedagogic Practice
Teaching Acting for Camera
Performance Greatness Part 1. What is the difference between good and great performance? Audio clip Hans Keller
Performance greatness Part 2 audio clip Hans Keller
Where and how do I start? Integrating sustainability and active learning from a lecture for textiles students
Reflection Prompt
Reflection Prompt
Reflection Prompt
Reflection Prompt
Conceptions of Learning & Teaching Presentation & Reflection Prompts Ps
Kanaki, E. Elena Kanaki stage movement class [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube. ►