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Rose Bruford VLE
Study Area 7
RSA Empathic Civilisation.
RSA Empathic Civilisation.
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RSA Empathic Civilisation.
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◄ Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education – Section 8: Career education, information, advice and guidance (2010).
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Brown, R. (2003). Employability issues in H.E. performing arts. CAREER: a Palatine project, No.2 [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy.
Brown, R. (2004). Performing arts entrepreneurship. PALATINE PACE project [Online] retrieved 10 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy.
Clews, D. & M. Harris (2007). Creating entrepreneurship: higher education and the creative industries. The Higher Education Academy Art Design Media Subject Centre [Online] retrieved 10 August 2011 from the HEA ADM.
Evans, M. (2010). Making theatre work: Entrepreneurship and professional practice in theatre higher education. PALATINE [Online] retrieved 10 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy.
Higher Education Academy. Employability resources. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy.
Higher Education Academy. PDP – Personal development planning resources. [Online] retrieved 10 August 2011 from the HEA.
Kleiman, P. (2003). Armed for a multitude of tasks. Times Higher Education, 23 May. [Online] retrieved 10 August 2011 from
Pedagogy for Employability
QAA (2010). Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education - Section 8: Career education, information, advice and guidance. [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from the QAA.
Tallantyre, F. (ed.) (2010). University management of work-based learning. Higher Education Academy [Online] retrieved 10 August 2011 from the HEA.
Ward, R. & J, Strivens (2010). Supporting employer engagement through E-portfolios [Online] retrieved 28 July 2016 from EUCEN
Further Reading
Portfolio Careers in the Creative Industries
Collaborative Learning in Music Education
The Future of the Conservatoire
21st Century Enlightenment – Matthew Taylor.
A Partnership of Equals- Consultancy in Performing Arts.
Life-wide education: a new and transformative concept for higher education? Ron Barnett.
The Role of Higher Education in Promoting Enterprise.
Developing Entrepreneurial Students & Graduates.
Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education – Section 8: Career education, information, advice and guidance (2010).
Acting tips: what are the important things acting agents look for? [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube.
Enhancing Employability in Music.
Video clip. AboutFace ‘Performing Arts’ Case Study
Acting tips: what are the important things acting agents look for? [Online] retrieved 11 August 2011 from YouTube. ►