This tripartite document between Rose Bruford College, Student and Employer/Host, aims to provide a clear statement of the responsibilities of each party concerned.   It is particularly important in relation to work-based learning and should be agreed and signed by all parties prior to the start of the student’s placement or period of work-based learning. 


•    The placement activity described above is designed to enhance student learning. It is not a replacement for paid work which might otherwise be undertaken by an employee in the general running of the organisation’s affairs.
•    The College does not provide financial support for students to engage in placement activities, with the exception cost relating to students with disabilities. This does not preclude the placement provider from offering remuneration or support in kind to the student if they deem this appropriate.
•    The College has conducted a general risk assessment for the placement (See section 2). However, primary responsibility for the management of the health and safety for a student while on the placement lies with the placement provider (under Section 2.1 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974).
•    Even in the best of placement relationships, difficulties arise from time to time. The College has a formal complaints procedure, which also includes a section specifically for disabled students. Any complaints or problems from either placement provider or student should firstly be directed informally to the Programme Director, who has the responsibility for resolving the complaint in consultation with the placement provider and course tutor. If any student feels that an informal complaint has not been dealt with satisfactorily, a formal complaint should be submitted. Full details of the Students Complaint Procedures are available to placement providers on request.
•    In the event that it becomes necessary to terminate the placement for any reason, the parties will inform each other at the earliest  opportunity


The College agrees to:

•    Endure that the placement/work-based learning activity is suitable and meets the requirements of the learning outcomes and level of study;
•    Maintain regular communication between the student, College and the placement provider during the placement;
•    Monitor the progression of the placement;
•    Arrange and undertake any visits to the placement provider during the period of the placement;
•    Supervise the students through the development of their academic evaluation of the placement;
•    Advise the placement provider during the placement of academic requirements and provide support for student learning;
•    Ensure the placement provider has appropriate health & safety policies and procedures;  
•    Ensure the learning outcome of the placement are defined in a written brief and are achievable by the student;
•    Detail the learning outcomes, and student entitlement in relation to tutoring or mentoring;
•    Inform the placement provider of any changes to the student’s circumstances before commencement or during the placement;
•    Induct students in health and safety issues related to the placement.
•    To abide by agreements regarding student work and commercial sensitivity (see Notice of Commercial Sensitivity if attached)


I agree to:

•    Commit to the placement for its full duration
•    Carry out all responsibilities and duties as agreed;
•    Behave in a manner appropriate to the role at all times and in a way that does not bring the placement provider or the  College into disrepute;
•    Work within the codes of conduct of the placement provider organisation at all times.
•    Arrive punctually and appropriately dressed for work at the times agreed;
•    Have regard for issues relating to the health and safety of myself and other employees of the placement provider;
•    Accept personal responsibility for safety and security and carry out risk assessments if required
•    Be non-discriminatory in dealings with staff and members of the public;
•    Demonstrate a professional attitude and an understanding of appropriate confidentiality
•    Record my progress whilst on placement according to the requirements of the course;
•    Alert the College and placement provider organisation to problems with the placement that may hinder my success in achieving the learning outcomes;
•    Maintain regular contact with the tutor supervising the placement activity;
•    Accept responsibility for financial costs (including travel) incurred while on placement


The Placement provider agrees:

•    To provide a risk assessment for covering the work-based learning/placement
•    To make available its health and safety policy;   
•    To provide the student with an induction in the workplace, including fire precautions, specific hazards and health and safety precautions;
•    To make reasonable adjustment where this is necessary for students with disabilities   
•    To provide appropriate instruction and training in work practices and in the particular control measures identified in the risk assessments;
•    To notify the College of any accidents or incidents that they are  aware of, which involve the student;
•    That it holds Employers Liability (Compulsory Insurance) if appropriate to the nature of the work;        
•    That it holds a current certificate of Public Liability insurance.    
•    That in the event of concerns or problems arising from the placement to alert the College at the earliest opportunity. Such concerns should be raised in the first instance with the Tutor named in this agreement
•    To offer feedback on the student’s placement as appropriate

Last modified: Tuesday, 19 July 2016, 10:31 AM