Some questions
Shopping and consumerism -
Are we all trained to be who we buy?
Copies and originals -
Does contemporary culture have anything new to say?
Gender -
Are we all feminists now?
'Queer' Theory -
Why are so many gay people attracted to the arts?
Pantomime and the carnivalesque -
Is pantomime the last true example of working class culture?
Orientalism and 'The Other' -
When mainstream culture tries to absorb Black and Asian forms, is it cultural appropriation?
Pop Culture -
Why are there so many juke-box musicals?
Postmodernism -
Is the idea of the passive audience out of date?
Deconstruction -
If everyone is free to choose, who decides what is high quality?
Structuralism -
Are stage managers more concerned with structure than content?
Digital culture, mash-up and ownership -
Is the idea of copyright compatible with mash-up art forms?
Shopping and consumerism -
Are we all trained to be who we buy?
Copies and originals -
Does contemporary culture have anything new to say?
Gender -
Are we all feminists now?
'Queer' Theory -
Why are so many gay people attracted to the arts?
Pantomime and the carnivalesque -
Is pantomime the last true example of working class culture?
Orientalism and 'The Other' -
When mainstream culture tries to absorb Black and Asian forms, is it cultural appropriation?
Pop Culture -
Why are there so many juke-box musicals?
Postmodernism -
Is the idea of the passive audience out of date?
Deconstruction -
If everyone is free to choose, who decides what is high quality?
Structuralism -
Are stage managers more concerned with structure than content?
Digital culture, mash-up and ownership -
Is the idea of copyright compatible with mash-up art forms?
Last modified: Thursday, 7 June 2012, 2:15 PM