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Rose Bruford VLE
Study Area 8
Bryan, C. Scholarship of teaching & learning [Powerpoint presentation]
Bryan, C. Scholarship of teaching & learning [Powerpoint presentation]
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Bryan, C. Scholarship of teaching & learning [Powerpoint presentation]
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Baume, D. (2010). Evaluation framework. Higher Education Academy [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from
Connolly, R. & S. C. Ward (2010). Enacting metalearning: using performance based research in conjunction with Meyer’s Reflections on learning inventory … Palatine [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy.
Mayer, J. & R. Land (2003). Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge: linkages to ways of thinking and practising within the disciplines. ETL Report, 4. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from ETL.
McNiff, J. (2002). Action research for professional development: concise advice for new action researchers. Dorset: September Books. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from
Morris, E. et al. (2010). Supporting academic integrity: approaches and resources for higher education. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from HEA / JISC Academic Integrity Service.
Parsonage, C., P. F. Fadnes and J. Taylor. Integrating theory and practice in conservatoires: formulating holistic models for teaching and learning improvisation. Higher Education Academy [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the HEA.
Pennington, G. (2003). Guidelines for promoting & facilitating change. Learning and Teaching Support Network Generic Centre [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from LTSN Generic Centre
Riel, M. (2010). Understanding action research. Center For Collaborative Action Research, Pepperdine University. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the Center for Collaborative Action Research.
Shulman, L. S. (2000). From Minsk to Pinsk: why a scholarship of teaching & learning? The Journal of Scholarship of Teaching & Learning 1.1. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from California State University East Bay.
Smith, H. (2011). Values in higher education – annotated bibliography. CPD4HE: Open Resources on HE Teaching and Learning [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from UCL Centre for the Advancement of Learning and Teaching
Whitehead, J. (2003) Notes for a contribution to a workshop on Perspectives in Spritiuality in the Graduate School of Education of the University of Bristol on 19th March, 2003. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from Jack Whitehead’s Writings.
Further Reading
Action Research Proposals to Enhance Professional Practice
Drive: the surprising truth about what motivates us. [Online] retrieved 28 July 2016 from YouTube
Robinson, K. (2010). Bring on the learning revolution. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from YouTube.
Action Research Project (PG Cert. student)
Action Research Project (PG Cert. student)
How Do We Write About Professional Practice?
Template for Action Research
Reflection Prompt: Self-Assessment Template and Reflective Statement
Reflection Prompt: Self Assessment grid to track your progress
Reflection Prompt: Teaching Observation Guidelines and Forms
Template for Action Research ►