Topic outline
Welcome to the VLE page for Student Reps.
As a representative of your fellow students, you will be talking with other students on your programme or more widely if you are appointed to a College-wide committee and you will be keeping them up to date with what’s going on in the College and helping to communicate both their concerns and their views on where things are going right.
You will talk with staff and work with the Students’ Union to represent student issues.
You will need to attend regular meetings with other students and members of staff.
You should be prepared, on time and ready to voice the opinions of your fellow students in a respectful but assertive manner.
This page has been created to support you in your role. You will find resources and advice on a range of topics. Like everything else in the College, your views are important.
So if you can think of ways to improve this page or have ideas for resources we should include, do not hesitate to contact Ryan Smith.
Report about student engagement at Rose Bruford College written for Learning Quality and Standards Committee in 2014
A good practice guide for Higher Education providers and Student Unions
Information and good practice for higher education institutions and students’ unions on the barriers to engaging students in their learning experience. Pulished jointly by the NUS and QAA.
This folder contains the minutes of college meetings with Student Year Representatives.