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Rose Bruford VLE
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Rose Bruford VLE
Study Area 5
Peer Mentoring and Assessment
Last modified: Monday, 26 November 2012, 10:52 AM
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Bryan, C. & K. Clegg (2006) Innovative assessment in higher education: Introduction. London: Routledge.
Cousin, G. (2010) Neither teacher-centred nor student-centred: threshold concepts and research partnerships. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 2 [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from JLDHE.
Dacre, K. (2006). Evaluating and rationalizing assessment methodology in undergraduate degree courses. Palatine [Online] retrieved 9 August 2001 from the Higher Education Academy
Gibbs,G. (2006). “How assessment frames student learning” in Innovative assessment in higher education. Bryan, C. & K. Clegg (eds). London: Routledge.
Gibbs, G. (2006). Eleven conditions under which assessment supports student learning. (Summary handout).
Gibbs,G. (2006). “Why assessment is changing” in Innovative assessment in higher education. Bryan, C. & K. Clegg (eds). London: Routledge.
Ginsborg, J. and R. Wistreich (2010). Promoting excellence in small group music performance: teaching, learning and assessment. [Online] retrieved 5 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy Resources Centre.
Kleiman, P. (2005). Beyond the tingle factor: creativity and assessment in higher education. Paper presented at the ESRC Creativity Seminar, University of Strathclyde, 7th October. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the Open Creativity Centre.
Kleiman, P., P. Carr & C. Childs. Starting out in assessing performance: workshop for new and early career lecturers. Palatine. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the Higher Education Academy.
QAA. 92006). Code of practice for the assurance of academic quality and standards in higher education, Section 6: Assessment of students. [Online] retrieved 9 August 2011 from the QAA.
Further Reading
Acting Assessment
Plagiarism – Student Views (HEA)
6 coloured hats explained. Edward de Bono. Used here for enhancing group dynamics
Case studies from Assessing Group Practice
Making Groupwork Work – Elston,C.
Assessing Group Practice
Audio & written resources on Assessment & Feedback
Does it make a difference? Replacing Text with Audio Feedback
Becoming Reflexive Practitioners: Exploring the Role of Summative Assessment in Encouraging Vocal Skills in First-year Undergraduate Singers
Peer Assessment: pros & cons summary from staff workshop at Goldsmiths College
Being innovative with assessment for learning: Presentation and RPs
Developing Effective Group Behaviour Workshop
Observation & Feedback Guide
Further Reading
6 coloured hats explained. Edward de Bono. Used here for enhancing group dynamics ►